Pre requisites

Build Monitor uses the new desktop integration features of Java 6.

As a consequence, you must install Java 6 on your computer to be able to launch Build Monitor.

Installing Build Monitor

Build Monitor is packaged in a single .jar file that contains all it needs to run.

As a consequence, you just have to Download the Build Monitor .jar file to your computer: no post-download installation process is needed.

Launching Build Monitor

To launch Build Monitor, double click its .jar file or launch it using the following command line: java -jar build-monitor-VERSION.jar (where VERSION is the version number of Build Monitor).

Build Monitor Configuration

The first time you launch Build Monitor, the Build server monitoring parameters dialog windows opens:

The different values you have to provide for monitoring a Bamboo server are as follow:

Field Name What is it ?
Base URL This is the base URL of your Bamboo server installation. Once entered, click the Open button to open your web browser: if the URL is correct, your Bamboo server home page should be displayed in the web browser.
Username Build monitor uses the Bamboo remote API to monitor your builds. This API can only be called by authenticated user, so you have to input here the name of a valid Bamboo user.
Password The password of the Bamboo user.
Update period The period, in minute, at which build monitor should refresh the build status.

When you're done with the configuration, click the OK button to save it (Build Monitor will then create a file named in your user directory). Notice that you have to enter a value for each field to be able to click the OK button.

If you want to change your configuration at a later time, just click the Options menu entry in the Build Monitor System Tray menu to open this dialog windows once again.

The Build Monitor System Tray icon

Once configured and running, Build Monitor displays a small icon in the System Tray. This icon depends on the state of Build Monitor and on the state of the monitored builds:
Icon What does it means ? Action when double clicked
The application is loading its configuration file or is initializing the build status. Double clicking the System Tray icon opens your Bamboo server home page in a web browser.
All builds on the monitored server are successfull.

Leave your mouse cursor on the icon to display a tooltip with the time of the last buid status update and the number of builds.

Right click the System Tray icon to display the Build Monitor System Tray menu and have a detailed list of all the builds.
Double clicking the System Tray icon opens your Bamboo server home page in a web browser.
At least one build on the monitored server is failing.

Leave your mouse cursor on the icon to display a tooltip with the time of the last buid status update and the number of failing builds.

Right click the System Tray icon to display the Build Monitor System Tray menu and have a detailed list of all the builds.
Double clicking the System Tray icon opens your Bamboo server home page in a web browser.
Build monitor has encountered a problem.

Leave your mouse cursor on the icon to display a tooltip that explains the problem.
What happens when you double click the System Tray icon depends on the problem.

If the problem might be resolved by updating the configuration, the Build server monitoring parameters dialog windows opens.

If the problem might be resolved by changing some Bamboo server parameters, the Bamboo Administration page will open in a browser.

The Build Monitor notifications

Apart from notifying you of its states and of the current build status by the System Tray icon, Buid Monitor use Balloon messages to inform you:

That the build situation has changed (build(s) fixed and / or new failing build(s))
That it encountered a problem.

The Build Monitor System Tray menu

When you right click the System Tray icon, the System Tray menu shows up:

The following menu entries are available:

Bamboo server main page Opens the Bamboo server main page in a web browser.
Update build status now ! Refresh the build status.
Sort builds Sort the build results by age (default value) or by name. This action updates the build status.
Options... Open the Build server monitoring parameters dialog window.
Builds menu entries Click a build menu entry to open your web browser on the bamboo page of the last build for this build project. Failing builds are displayed in bold.
About... Displays informations about the current version of Build Monitor.
Exit Exit Build Monitor.